
National Public Lands Day in Moffat County

Volunteers work on building an interpretive trail along the west side of Duffy Mountain on Saturday, Sept. 27, 2008 as part of National Public Lands Day. National Public Lands Day is the nations’ largest hands-on volunteer effort to improve America’s public lands. Started in 1994 with 700 volunteers, over 120,000 volunteers were expected to help maintain public lands in 1,600 locations in every state in 2008. The local event was coordinated by Gina Robison at the BLM. Twenty-eight people came out on a sunny Saturday to help. Carol Valera Jacobson photo.

The following pictures are from Duffy Mountain in November 2007. One of the first road trips Terry and I took into Moffat County. It was the last day of the last regular hunting season and all the hunters were packing up and emptying out of the county.