
Santa in Moffat County

You never know when you'll run into Mr. Claus. This is Santa in Brown's Park in a BLM boat.(unknown photographer)



Deloss and Billy Jackson
Born and raised in Moffat County.
(actually, Deloss tells me that he was born in Vernal, Utah)
Downtown Craig


Christmas 2008

Hand made by my own two hands.
I loved making these potholders.
I made them to be used by my friends.
Making them gave me a wonderful
opportunity to think about the folks
in my life who mean so much to me.
Thank you and blessings,

Okay, finally, a picture of me that I almost like.

Sand Rocks

Today, December 7th/Pearl Harbor Day, Terry and I took a short hike along the Sandrocks on the north edge of Craig.

The star which is lighted at Christmas at the top of the Sand Rocks.

The long view looking south and a bit east across the body of Craig on a warm December day.

Sagebrush and lichen.

The hard crust of earth above the smooth, round sandstone rocks. Terry is standing at the top of the trail.


2008 Celebrate Literacy

I received this letter on November 28, 2008.

"Dear Carol,
It is with great pleasure that I write to inform you of your nomination and selection by the Colorado Council of the International Reading Association to receive the 2008 Celebrate Literacy Award.

Debbie Frazier, on behalf of Sagebrush Reading Council, nominated you for your work supporting literacy in the community and the schools in Craig. Your work with children and adults of all ages, as well as the many activities and opportunities you offer through Downtown Books to promote literacy is commendable."

I'll go to Denver in February to accept the award.

I'm thrilled.


Stand By Me

This is is very cool! Very creative. Very good, and I've always loved the song.

This video is only 5 minutes long. But it's quite extraordinary. Not only is the music itself great, but this one video seamlessly splices together parts of the visual video tracks of identical performances videotaped at the following locations, and performed by different musicians native to those locations, while at the same time mixing together, not parts, but the entire audio tracks of all 12 performances in these 12 locations: Santa Monica, New Orleans, Amsterdam, New Mexico, France, Brazil, Russia, Venezuala, The Congo, South Africa, Spain and Italy. Quite amazing.. And very beautifully done.

Click on the following link(or cut and paste)
Playing For Change: Song Around the World "Stand By Me"
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=Us-TVg40ExM