
Elkhead Drive-about

May 16, 2009

We drove to the Elkhead area in Moffat and Routt counties mentioned in the New York Times article (May 2009) that describes the story of Ferry Carpenter who brought two young teachers to the area, not only to teach but because there were an abundance of young men and few women... turn of the century times. Ferry Carpenter was a lawyer and rancher with considerable influence in the area, the state, and the country through his gentle intelligence and agreeable nature.

I knew him when I was quite young and interviewed his daughter, Roz Garcia, when she was in her early nineties. We talked about her experiences as the first white woman in the area to live in a sheepwagon/camp.

The following pictures almost capture the beauty of the area. We saw sharp-tailed grouse on the road beyond Elkhead Reservoir. We saw Bears Ears mountain and the vast undulating hills of fragrant sagebrush. We passed the Elkhead Community Center where I once, when I was in high school, went to a country dance.

Finally, it is spring in this country and the roads can be treacherous when wet; this is how mud dries in the high country.

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